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New posts in distribution

What is the distribution for random() in stdlib?

c random distribution

What Database to distribute as part of a C# app backend [closed]

How can I distribute my Perl application as a single file?

perl distribution

how to generate true or false values using normal distribution in c++

c++ boolean distribution

In R, what command do I use to generate a dataset consisting of the means of all column vectors in a dataset?

r dataset distribution

How to plot a mean line on a distplot between 0 and the y value of the mean?

Xcode 4.6 - "Valid signing identity not found" for Distribution provisioning profile

What's the correct usage of matplotlib.mlab.normpdf()?

Distribute 'items' in buckets equally (best effort)

Number density distribution of an 1D-array - 2 different attempts

Packaging OpenCV with a python app

How to create custom "Probability Distribution Object" in MATLAB

Generating data from exponential distribution by incorporating correlation between two random variables

Tensorflow, negative KL Divergence

How to extract parameters from a non-stationary generalized Pareto (GP) model in R?

r parameters distribution

Can an iOS App's system settings be configured via Enterprise Distribution?

Why need adHoc distribution profile when distribution with development profile is possible? [duplicate]

Coordinating the execution of a single periodic task between servers in a cluster

How to calculate distribution (Histogram) of large amount of data in a distributed system?