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In R, what command do I use to generate a dataset consisting of the means of all column vectors in a dataset?

Some background: First, I wanted to generate multiple sets of samples (each of sample size n) from a uniform (0,1) distribution in [R]. I know that the command for generating from a uniform distribution is runif(n=x) for some sample size x, e.g. if I wanted sample size 20 the command would be


Next, I used the command

replicate( 100, runif(n=20))

This generated a double matrix of values which I could then convert into a dataset with 100 columns and 20 rows.

Is it possible for me to generate a dataset consisting of the sample means of all the column vectors (the sample means of the 100 sets taken from the uniform distribution)?

Thank you for your help.

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user1357062 Avatar asked Apr 25 '12 19:04


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1 Answers

You can use colMeans.

data <- replicate(100, runif(n=20))
means <- colMeans(data)
like image 102
nico Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10
