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New posts in distribution

Scale numbers to be <= 255?

Calculate percentile of value in column

Select a random item from a weighted list

How to generate a distribution with a given mean, variance, skew and kurtosis in Python?

New iOS team member: no valid signing identity

How to get ipa file from Xcode to run an iPhone app in real device?

2 techniques for including files in a Python distribution: which is better?

Find local maximums in numpy array

How to generate three random numbers, whose sum is 1?

c# random distribution uniform

How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF

iOS: What are DISTRIBUTION provisioning profiles used for?

Sell Windows Phone 7 Apps outside of App Hub

How do I found out which node an Erlang process (PID) is running on?

Entitlements.plist not created properly

When is it (not) appropriate to bundle dependencies with an application?

Why does scipy.norm.pdf sometimes give PDF > 1? How to correct it?

How to generate random points in a circular distribution

python distribution point

How can I package a Java desktop application?

java distribution

Is there something like bsdiff/Courgette for jar files?

java jar distribution patch

Finding alpha and beta of beta-binomial distribution with scipy.optimize and loglikelihood