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New posts in distributed

Are there a RSS like standard format for distributed (forum like) communication?

xml api web rss distributed

Shutdown dask workers from client or scheduler

python distributed dask

Is it possible to shutdown a dask.distributed cluster given a Client instance?

distributed dask

Using single RMI Registry

Database choice: High-write, low-read

database distributed

BDD and microservices

Logical Clocks: Lamport Timestamps

Manage session within distributed application

Looking for distributed/scalable database solution where all nodes are read/write? Not MongoDB? [closed]

Experience with Hadoop?

Why is a computation much slower within a Dask/Distributed worker?

python distributed dask

How does Replication work in a Distributed Database

Distributed Tensorflow: good example for synchronous training on CPUs

Distributed Actors in Akka

How P2P applications find other nodes?

networking distributed p2p

When to use the XCode Distributed Build Feature

Run Identical model on multiple GPUs, but send different user data to each GPU

Distributed cross correlation matrix computation