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New posts in distributed-transactions

Query global temp table on a linked server

Configuration binding extension could not be found

Recommended practice for stopping transactions escalating to distributed when using transactionscope

Spring / RabbitMQ : transaction management

Reliable test for MSDTC promoting transactions to distributed?

How to learn about designing highly transactional systems?

Could AKKA remoted actors be a used in a p2p swarm context?

How does the banking transactions work "under the hood" - possibly in detail

Deadlocks causing 'Server failed to resume the transaction' with NHibernate and distributed transactions

What does a TransactionScope really do

EF: db.SaveChanges() vs dbTransaction.Commit

Why is Paxos leader election not done using Paxos?

Spring Global transaction vs Local transaction

Best way to handle LOBs in Oracle distributed databases

The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server was unable to begin a distributed transaction

Three phase commit

How ACID is the two-phase commit protocol?

How to design global distributed transaction(none database)? Can JTA use for none db transaction?

Why is 2-phase commit not suitable for a microservices architecture?

Kafka - How to commit offset after every message using High-Level consumer?