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New posts in dispose

Why do threads waiting on a ManualResetEvent continue waiting even when Close() is called?

c# .net multithreading dispose

Handling memory leaks caused by an external assembly

Aforge.net Camera Capture & Save image to directory

c# debugging dispose aforge

Is There a Time at which to ignore IDisposable.Dispose?

System.InvalidOperationException: Value Dispose() cannot be called while doing CreateHandle()

c# .net winforms dispose

Why does Bitmap cause rule CA2000, but Image does not?

Datatable inside using?

c# datatable dispose

Calling .Dispose() on a class that has a Finalizer

c# dispose finalizer

Is it OK to have a virtual Dispose() method as long as all classes in the hierarchy only use managed resources? [duplicate]

c# .net dispose

Is it really needed to implement dispose pattern for managed resources only

Causing a UserControl to remove itself (WPF)

c# wpf user-controls dispose

C# IDisposable pattern and throwing ObjectDisposedException

Auto-dispose Threading.Timer

c# timer lambda dispose

Static analysis dispose warning in test class when object is disposed in test cleanup

c# unit-testing dispose fxcop

Dispose pattern: How do I know what's managed and what's unmanaged?

unmanaged dispose

Should I dispose of this SPWeb?

Win32.DestroyIcon vs. Icon.Dispose

Returning Memory Stream from a method

How to implicitly stop a thread in an object in C#

c# dispose

Refactoring: using statement without scope, when does the implicit `Dispose` call happen?