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New posts in dispose

Code analysis complains I'm not disposing objects. What is wrong here?

Dispose object that has been instantiated as method parameter c#

c# parameters dispose

How to correctly dispose a Form, without risk of an Invoke being called from another thread on a disposed object?

LLVM API: correct way to create/dispose

llvm dispose

access BlocProvider.of<Bloc>(context) in dispose method

flutter dart dispose bloc

Does a wrapper class calling a COM component through C# need to implement the Dispose pattern?

c# com dispose rcw

How can I ensure that I dispose of an object in my singleton before the application closes?

c# singleton watin dispose

Proper Way to Dispose: object not disposed along all exception paths

Difference between Try-Finally Dispose and Using-statement

c# .net dispose

How to implement IDisposable interface in a class inherited from SocketAsyncEventArgs

Does the C# WCF Proxy ClientBase<T> Disposal issue still exist in .Net 4.5+

c# .net wcf proxy dispose

C# New bitmap() - Out of memory

Runspace Dispose in Powershell (GUI specific)

powershell dispose runspace

Do I need to Dispose to deregister events? [duplicate]

c# .net events dispose

MessageQueue Disposed More Than Once

c# message-queue dispose

Difference between two dispose implementations?

Should I worry about stopping/disposing WPF animations?

SQLite.Interop.dll locked after running Visual Studio 2012 Unit Test Framework tests