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Should disposable objects be disposed before a Windows Service stops?

c# dispose

When to call Dispose() method in WPF application

c# wpf dispose

System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost implements IDisposable but Dispose is not public

c# dispose idisposable

Should I bother calling dispose on objects which share lifetime of process?

c# dispose idisposable

Why is the Dispose() method not available on my IDisposable object?

c# dispose

Types that own disposable fields should be disposable. how to solve this warning?

How to ensure that Autofac is calling Dispose() on EF6 DbContext

Does OledbConnection.Dispose() close the connection? [duplicate]

Is it necessary to call Dispose on a Semaphore?

What's the recommended way to deal with leaked IAsyncDisposable instances?

C# cleanup unmanaged resources when process is killed

c# dispose

Using Dispose on a Singleton to Cleanup Resources

c# singleton dispose

Does disposing an object dispose of all IDisposable properties?

Use of Garbage Collection?

Specific questions about C# Dispose Pattern

c# dispose idisposable

service.close() vs. service.abort() - WCF example

vb.net wcf dispose

Do we have Unmanaged resources in C#?

Proper way to dispose screens in Libgdx

java android libgdx dispose

C# .NET object disposal

C# CA2000:Dispose objects before losing scope using FileStream/XmlTextReader

c# dispose using ca2000 ca2202