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auto set options in own package

r package devtools roxygen2

Trouble building R package wtih devtools when it uses RcppArmadillo

RPivotTable being able to list more than allowable amount

devtools build_vignette can't find functions

r devtools

How to make R package recommend a package hosted on GitHub?

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Compile a vignette using `devtools::build_vignette` so that .md is kept in the vignettes directory

r devtools vignette

Advanced styling of browser console.log

Does Resharper 4.1 support both Camel Humps and normal selection modes?

R - cannot find -llapack & cannot find -lblas

r devtools openair

How to define which variables or functions from a package are exported

Installing Phalcon PHP Devtools: "ERROR: Phalcon extension isn't installed ..." though the module is installed

Cannot install devtools package after upgrading R

r devtools

Firefox inspector - Undoing CSS declarations with CTRL + Z

css firefox devtools undo

Devtools Document throwing Error

r devtools

R package fails devtools::check, because "could not find function" even though the function is imported in NAMESPACE