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New posts in device-driver

is memory allocated by kmalloc() ever automatically freed?

PyCUDA: Querying Device Status (Memory specifically)

USB for embedded devices - designing a device driver/protocol stack

embedded usb device-driver

Connection between mmap user call to mmap kernel call

Google Nexus 5 is not being detected by computer/doesn't appear in device manager [duplicate]

how to create a C++ device driver class

c++ device-driver

Getting device/driver information related to a COM port?

How to implement mouse drivers Linux USB mouse driver?

Linux Kernel: copy_from_user - struct with pointers

linux device-driver kernel

How to register this tablet to Ubuntu udev list?

where is device driver code executed? Kernel space or User space?

Automating Win32 Driver Testing

Emulating joystick programmatically

windows device-driver wdk

Raw access to HID devices in OS X

USB-device driver for HTC OneVX (USB debugging)

android device-driver

How can I get a list of all the active kernel drivers on my Android system?

Cheap Windows driver signing for 64 bit Windows 7

In Linux, how do you use device_create within an existing class?

How to set errno in Linux device driver?

Reverse Engineering an Apple Kext - Reconstructing the Class