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Should I care that passing in a class representation of an XML settings file violates the law of demeter?

Newest Agile Design Methods for code construction [closed]

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What are the most important structured software design principles? [closed]

Best Practice: Protected or Private Methods by Default and Test-Driven Development

Grasp creator vs. dependency Injection

SOLID principles or none SOLID

Dependency Inversion Principle: High Level and Low Level module example

UML help C# Design Principles

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What is the use of single responsibility principle?

What are the list of Patterns and Principles a programmer must/should know?

(Programming to an interface v/s working with concrete class) when there is just one concrete class

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Why java method does not support multiple return values? [duplicate]

Should object-oriented principles be applied in procedural languages?

Graph database design principles, general principles and granularity issue

UOM (units of measure) design patterns

Best practice: instance variables filling over time

What practices can safeguard against unexpected deferred execution with IEnumerable<T> as argument? [closed]

How many simultaneous scheduled Jobs can I have in Node

Concrete Types or Interfaces for return types?