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New posts in design-principles

Confusion between Inversion of Control and Hollywood Principle

Is this Simple Factory violating the Open Closed Principle?

UI Advice: how to design a form with a lot of data [closed]

Does one child implementing an interface, but another not, violate the Liskov Substitution Principle?

Is AJAX push a HTTP protocol aberration?

Is adding attributes dynamically frowned upon in Python?

Circular Dependency among two Projects of Different Solution

REST API question on how to handle collections as effective as possible while still conforming to the REST principles

Which SOLID Principles are violated?

What is the principle of "code moving to data" rather than data to code?

Is using Java's instanceOf compatible with the "program to an interface" design principle?

RAII and unit testing principles

Single Responsibility Principle : class level or method level

oop design-principles

Difference between "depend on abstractions not concrete classes" and "program to an interface"

oop design-principles

Why you should never use synchronized on Optional java object

What's the difference between principles YAGNI and KISS?

design-principles yagni

What features any good application should care about 'By-Design' [closed]


Properly implement comparison of two objects with different type but semantically equivalent

Add more behaviour without creating new classes