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New posts in dereference

PHP dereference array elements

Why does a mutable borrow of a closure through DerefMut not work?

rust closures dereference

Unexpected auto deref behavior

rust dereference

In PHP, is it a problem to call a static class function using the -> dereferencer

When returning the difference between pointers of char strings, how important is the order of casting and dereferencing?

c casting dereference strncmp

Swift get value from UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> using UnsafePointer<String>

ClojureScript Re-frame subscription dereferencing dilemma

Why are the 'dereference' and the 'address of' operators on the left?

Why doesn't a nested reference to an array coerce to a slice?

rust dereference coercion

Dereferencing one past the end pointer to array type

Dereferencing string iterator yields int

Dereferencing Objects in an Array for Java Garbage Collection

String equality in Rust: how does referencing and dereferencing work?

Should a reference to an enum be dereferenced before it is matched?

In C: How to set a pointer to a structure member that is an array?

Print a string from ArrayList of String[]?

Reversing a '\0' terminated C string in place?

c pointers reverse dereference

Dereferencing Rc<Vec<T>> confusion in Rust

rust dereference

Change the values within NSArray by dereferencing?

Perl: How do you dereference an array without creating a copy of the array?