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New posts in deque

Where is the "*simpler* real-time catenable deque" work of Tarjan and Mihaescu?

Best way to obtain indexed access to a Python queue, thread-safe

Why is python deque initialized using the last maxlen items in an iterable?

python deque

How Do I define a Double Brackets/Double Iterator Operator, Similar to Vector of Vectors'?

How can I get the first value of a deque without deleting it?

python deque

C++ std::deque implementation: why not use circular buffer?

c++ stl deque circular-buffer

Deque random acces O(n) in python while O(1) in C++, why? [duplicate]

python deque

How are random access iterators for non-contiguous containers (such as std::deque) implemented?

Java equivalent of std::deque

java collections deque

Why is Pypy's deque so slow?

python deque pypy

Is using std::deque or std::priority_queue thread-safe? [duplicate]

dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier crash 'could not dequeue a view of kind" UICollectionElementKindCell'

xcode collections deque

Confusion on iterators invalidation in deque

c++ stl standards deque

The difference between vector and deque [duplicate]

c++ c++11 vector deque

time complexity of random access in deque in Python [duplicate]

python big-o deque

Why are deque's pop_front() and pop_back() not noexcept?

Add to a deque being iterated in Python?

python deque

dumping queue into list/array in python

python queue deque

std::deque memory usage - Visual C++, and comparison to others

c++ memory-management deque

How is sort for std::deque implemented?

c++ sorting vector stl deque