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New posts in deployment

Is there good deployment and administration for Java environments?

java deployment capistrano

Deploy Crystal Report dlls only using ClickOnce without using prerequisite .msi

Full Build, Incremental Build and Deploy within Powerbuilder

Building XUL app a-la SongBird

macos deployment xul

Glassfish war lifecycle question

How to improve our build and deployment process?

java deployment build patch

Sharepoint 2010 WSP Deployment problem. Can’t deploy new files

what the best methodology to create lists in sharepoint 2010 for developers?

Deploy static assets to Amazon S3

Deploying Asp.net MVC web application

Conditional .gitignore based on origin

iOS enterprise OTA distribution problems

ios deployment

JBoss 7.1 how to deploy ear/war to an external directory

deployment jboss7.x

Deployment of application with embedded Python 3

Magento: Static blocks and configuration settings migration

In what exact cases should staging / beta and production / stable environments share a database?

How to host multiple .NET Core apps under the same URL?

What's the accepted method for deploying a linux application that relies on shared libraries?

XamlParseException after deploying WPF project

app.config Transformations