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New posts in deployment

ClickOnce and UserSettings

how do you refresh references in ASP.NET applications without visual studio?

asp.net deployment .refresh

Multi-stage deployment advice?

Click Once, question regarding open it with arguments

ClickOnce start time from Start Menu link

How can I get a list of files loaded by my process?

InvalidDeploymentException error when deploying .NET Application

How to deploy a single webapp with multiple web-modules that may be removed or added individually

Django deployment using git, including production-relevant files

django git deployment

Feedback desired: non-disruptive deployment strategies for production Lisp webapps

deployment lisp hunchentoot

OpenCV c++ application deployment with external libraries

Automatically updating Compact Framework application code

How do I relocate assemblies from a deployment project without breaking application references?

how to use VS Setup and Deployment project and build an .msi file to install the program?

c# deployment

Optimal Way to Combine JS Files Across Site

javascript deployment

Deploying my application that uses Entity Framework and creating databases on the client machine

Deploying an MVC3 application on IIS7 always returns Http 500 - Internal Server Error

Python: tool to keep track of deployments

Automating C# web app Deployment processes, using secure remote desktop access, and recent svn changes