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Make a Form show with a Slide Transition

ios forms delphi delphi-xe5

List all files in storage with Delphi XE5 Android App

android delphi delphi-xe5

How can I get a phone's contact list in a Firemonkey mobile application?

Where do I set the application "Title" property in a FireMonkey mobile application?

"Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" when compiling several projects at once

Play a sound alert/beep on Delphi XE5/Android platform

android delphi delphi-xe5

Android Application Version (RAD Studio XE5)

android delphi delphi-xe5

Overriding the system Date Format

delphi delphi-xe5

ShowMessage in Delphi XE5 Shortended

windows delphi delphi-xe5

FireMonkey TControl.MakeScreenshot generates an undersized bitmap on Mobile platforms

Is there a recommended route to installing JEDI and JVCL for Delphi XE5?

Combination of Canvas.TransparentColor and Canvas.Draw with Opacity

How do I stop F7 from going into Embarcadero code?

delphi debugging delphi-xe5

Delphi helpers scope

delphi helper delphi-xe5

AlphaBlend in FireMonkey

Class segmentation fault (11)

AdMob support in Delphi XE5

"reference to function" as result of a function