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New posts in delete-operator

operator new() behaves differently when operator delete() is deleted depending on the existence of the default constructor

C++ Virtual operator delete?

Why does the compiler require `delete [] p` versus `delete p[]`?

What is the right way to free a std::vector of pointers in C++?

Deleting array of pointers

New and delete operators override in libraries

why does std::allocator::deallocate require a size?

delete modifier vs declaring function as private

Why is the destructor not called in operator delete?

c++ delete-operator

How does =delete on destructor prevent stack allocation?

c++ c++11 delete-operator

Is it legal to call delete on a null pointer of an incomplete type?

Deleting a dynamically allocated 2D array [duplicate]

Why is it not possible to access the size of a new[]'d array?

NULL check before deleting an object with an overloaded delete

c++ null delete-operator

What happens when you deallocate a pointer twice or more in C++?

Delete objects of incomplete type

Why, really, deleting an incomplete type is undefined behaviour?

overloading new/delete

"delete this" in constructor

Behaviour of malloc with delete in C++

c++ malloc delete-operator