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New posts in delegation

Can I extend, in Java, a Kotlin delegating class?

Delegate attribute methods to the parent object

ruby delegation

Delegation and Data Source iOS

ios delegation

Good Practice: How can I ensure a JavaScript constructor has access to mixin functions?

SSAS with Kerberos delegation gets connection timeout error

Scala forward or delegate methods to encapsulated object

update viewcontroller from appdelegate - best practice?

CoffeeScript: Inline call delegation which works with function bindings

Kotlin: function delegation

kotlin delegation

Kotlin: How can I use delegated properties in Java?

How does DelegatingVehicleTracker (p. 65 Goetz) return a "live" view?

Calling a Protocol Function from A Selector in Swift

ios swift protocols delegation

When using a Builder Pattern why shouldn't I reuse the builder-object to access the object configuration?

Perl OO using Moose - best way to code delegation example?

perl moose delegation

Nsnotification or delegation?

iphone ios xcode delegation

Java SPNEGO Authentication & Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD) to backend service

java kerberos delegation

How to use delegate method for more than two associations?

Emulating membership-test in Python: delegating __contains__ to contained-object correctly

How to convert Delegate to Observable RxSwift?

swift rx-swift delegation

Clarity in classes implementing multiple interfaces (alternative to delegation):