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New posts in definitelytyped

Error when using JQueryUI with TypeScript and DefinitelyTyped definition file

JQuery Typescript definitions using 'bool' instead of 'Boolean'

How to use typings for d3-tip in typescript 2.0

Why isn't Webpack excluding a folder I specified?

How do I add a TypeScript definitely typed definition in ASP.NET 5?

How to use underscore lib from DefinitelyTyped with typescript?

How do I declare a Generic Promise in Typescript, so that when the Generic type is "<void>", one of its methods won't take a parameter?

How to create TypeScript definition file (d.ts) for umd library

TypeScript various file extensions explained?

Migrating React ES6 to TypeScript: import statements don't work

Why is TSD deprecated?

How can I install TypeScript declarations for scoped/namespaced packages via @types?

How can I write and use custom declaration files that don't exist on @types or DefinitelyTyped?

Angular 7 & Stripe error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Stripe'

Error TS2322: Type 'Object[]' is not assignable to type '[Object]'

How to install express in typings?

Typescript interface, function and namespace all have the same name. Which is being exported?

TypeScript - [Subsequent property declarations must have the same type] - Multiple references to the same type definitions

How to consume a d.ts file's exported const types if the library's implementation is not integrated with the TS project?