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New posts in definitelytyped

How to include definitely typed files in an Angular2 angular-cli based project

How do I write the type definition for a module with a default export

TypeScript type definition for promise.prototype.finally

Why am I not able to compile a file that references jquery.d.ts? [duplicate]

DefinitelyTyped vs typings - comparison

Where does TypeScript find its variable declarations?

Group items in Typescript with lodash

Extending @types - delete field from interface, add type to field in interface

How do I correctly require and declare node library typings in TypeScript?

Why publish the TypeScript declaration file on DefinitelyTyped for a Javascript library?

typescript typings, whats the typings folder

Compile issues with npm [email protected] on Windows

Declaring a JS library for use with TypeScript

how to use @types/node in node application

Redux form props & typescript

Typescript + React, rendering an array from a stateless functional component

Flattening TypeScript typings or interfaces?

install @types definition from fork

Type Definition file for Keycloak.js

How to install .d.ts file from github:DefinitelyTypes using typings