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New posts in defaultdict

Python defaultdict for large data sets

Using defaultdict with multiprocessing?

How are Counter / defaultdict ordered in Python 3.7?

python: defaultdict with non-default argument

Why can't I create a default, ordered dict by inheriting OrderedDict and defaultdict?

defaultdict equivalent for lists [duplicate]

Creating a defaultdict with empty numpy array

setdefault vs defaultdict performance

Checking a nested dictionary using a dot notation string "a.b.c.d.e", automatically create missing levels

Is there a standard class for an infinitely nested defaultdict?

Accessing key in factory of defaultdict

How to add count for each unique val in list

Python defaultdict that does not insert missing values

Surprising results with Python timeit: Counter() vs defaultdict() vs dict()

Is the defaultdict in Python's collections module really faster than using setdefault?

How to check for a key in a defaultdict without updating the dictionary (Python)?

One-step initialization of defaultdict that appends to list?

python defaultdict

TypeError: multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict

Sorting a defaultdict by value in python

Exposing `defaultdict` as a regular `dict`