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setdefault vs defaultdict performance

I am writing code for an application where performance is important. I am wondering why defaultdict seems to be faster then setdefault.

I would like to be able to use setdefault, mostly because i do not like the print output of the nested defaultdict (see implementation below).

In my code, i need to test if element_id is already a key of the dict.

Here are the two functions that i am testing:

def defaultdictfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids):
    dict_name= defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)))
    for subcase in subcases:
        for other_id in other_ids:
            for element_id in element_ids: 
                if element_id in dict_name[subcase][other_id]:
                    # error duplicate element_id
    return dict_name

def setdefaultfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids):
    for subcase in subcases:
        for other_id in other_ids:
            for element_id in element_ids: 
                if element_id in dict_name.setdefault(subcase,{}).setdefault(other_id,{}):
                    # error duplicate element_id

    return dict_name

IPython input and output:

In [1]: from numpy.random import randint

In [2]: subcases,other_ids,element_ids=(randint(0,100,100),randint(0,100,100),randint(0,100,100))

In [5]: from collections import defaultdict

In [6]: defaultdictfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)==setdefaultfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)
Out[6]: True

In [7]: %timeit defaultdictfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)
10 loops, best of 3: 177 ms per loop

In [8]: % timeit setdefaultfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)
1 loops, best of 3: 351 ms per loop

Why is setdefaultfunc slower. I thought the underlying code would be the same. Is there a way to improve its speed?


like image 245
snowleopard Avatar asked Jul 28 '16 01:07


People also ask

Is Defaultdict faster than dict?

setdefault() , and the second uses a defaultdict . The time measure will depend on your current hardware, but you can see here that defaultdict is faster than dict.

Is Defaultdict slower than dict?

defaultdict is faster for larger data sets with more homogenous key sets (ie, how short the dict is after adding elements);

What are the differences between the GET and Setdefault methods?

The get the method allows you to avoid getting a KeyError when the key doesn't exist however setdefault the method allows set default values when the key doesn't exist.

What is Setdefault in Python?

The setdefault() method returns the value of the item with the specified key. If the key does not exist, insert the key, with the specified value, see example below.

2 Answers

According to user aneroid:

It would make sense that defaultdict is faster that dict.setdefault() since the former sets its default for the entire dict at creation time, whereas setdefault() does it per element when it is read. One reason to use setdefault is when the default you assign is based on the key (or something) rather than a generic default for the entire dict.

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snakecharmerb Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09


The setdefaultfunc is worst because you call the dict constructor several times in the loop (since {} is equivalent to dict()), while defaultdict avoid this by its own design.

With a small change, you can easily improve the setdefaultfunc:

def setdefaultfunc2(subcases,other_ids,element_ids):
    for subcase in subcases:
        subcase_dict = dict_name.setdefault(subcase,{})
        for other_id in other_ids:
            other_id_dict = subcase_dict.setdefault(other_id,{})
            for element_id in element_ids: 
                if element_id in other_id_dict:
                    # error duplicate element_id
    return dict_name

With this change, the results in my machine were:

In [37]: defaultdictfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)==setdefaultfunc2(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)
Out[37]: True

In [38]: %timeit defaultdictfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)
286 ms ± 8.55 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [39]: %timeit setdefaultfunc(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)
434 ms ± 1.78 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [40]: %timeit setdefaultfunc2(subcases,other_ids,element_ids)
174 ms ± 348 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

IMO, defaultdict does not provide enought performance gain to make worth using it.

like image 25
Diego Queiroz Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Diego Queiroz