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New posts in default-constructor

Why does defining an empty copy ctor beside a deleted default ctor make a value initialization with empty list fail?

=default constructor visibility [duplicate]

Does it violate the standard for a non-default-constuctible struct to lack a user-defined constructor?

defaulted ctor differences between gcc 4.6 and 4.7

Is there any difference between C c; and C c = C();?

Why closure types / lambdas have no default constructor in C++

Should trivial default constructor respect default member initializer here?

Default constructor defined with default arguments outside the class definition, why does this work? and what happens with templates involved?

When and how to default-initialize a const variable?

Does virtual inheritance force a base class to be default constructible?

Need an example showing that default constructor is not inherited

How to make default constructor defined outside the class noexcept?

Difference between default (user-defined) constructor and constructor with default arguments?

Does a parent class always need a default or no-argument constructor even if the child class already has a defined constructor?

Template functions: default construction without copy-constructing in C++

Error using defaulted copy constructor: "deleted function"

C++ default constructor, initializing pointer with new object

Naming user controls without default constructors in XAML

Detect compiler generated default constructor using reflection in C#

Compiler complains about BOOST_CHECK_THROW on constructor