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How do I get the number of affected rows when I use DBI's prepare/execute for non-select statement?

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Perl + DBI + MySQL: How To Run Multiple Queries/Statements [duplicate]

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Error handling on DBI->connect

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Perl Module Method Calls: Can't call method "X" on an undefined value at ${SOMEFILE} line ${SOMELINE}

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What is wrong with accessing DBI directly?

DBI: disconnect - question

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What's the performance difference between DBI's fetchall_hashref and fetchall_arrayref?

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Why does SQLite give a "database is locked" for a second query in a transaction when using Perl's DBD::SQLite?

Data Access Layer with Perl 6 and DBIish

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Perl Parallel::ForkManager with DBI database handlers

Problems with Perl DBI/DBD on OSX 10.9 Mavericks

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Can DBI infer or be informed about numeric column types when fetching rows?

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How can I get 100% test coverage in a Perl module that uses DBI?

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Dump prepared sql query from DBI statement in PERL

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Installation error for DBD::MySQL on OSX v10.6.6

How can I pass MySQL functions as bind parameters in prepared statement?

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perl DBI memory leak

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How do I use spaces in parameters for DBI->connect?

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Manual transaction management in DBD::Pg

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