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New posts in datacontract

WCF CollectionDataContract

c# wcf c#-4.0 datacontract

WCF datacontract vs class serialize

wcf datacontract

Is there any benifit in using DataContract and DataMember attributes while working with Asp.net Web API?

WCF Client having problems recognizing ServiceKnownTypes?

WCF DataMember attribute for read-only fields?

wcf datacontract datamember

WCF, Entity Framework & Data Contracts

Enum.ToString() that abides EnumMemberAnnotation

What does it mean to put DataMemberAttribute on interface member?

Does ContentResolver notifyChange method notifies also detail Uri's?

c# - DataContract Serialization - Base Classes, Inheritance and Overrides

Persist a DataContract as XML in a database

c# xml wcf datacontract

DataContracts with behavior

wcf datacontract

What is the advantage of using DataContractAttribute over SerializableAttribute?

Confused about how to use JSON in C#

Portable / Interoperable WCF Contracts

Mark deprecated fields in WCF contract

c# wcf deprecated datacontract

How to use Custom Serialization or Deserialization in WCF to force a new instance on every property of a datacontact ?

Is there a way to export an XSD schema from a DataContract

c# .net xsd schema datacontract

Client WCF DataContract has empty/null values from service

WCF contract changes that affect clients