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How to get table name from database id, file id, page id in MS SQL 2008?

FluentNhibernate, add mappings from multiple assemblies

Which NoSQL database for extremely high volumes of data

what's best way to leave empty database cells?


Using TransactionScope does not reseed identity column

Customize core data model at runtime?

Sql Server Service Broker

Are update cascades only used for denormalized tables?

php mysql sql database rdbms

Multiple applications against single database architecture

database architecture

deploying multiple versions of the same views in Oracle [closed]

Is order of parameters for database Command object really important?

Attaching Multiple Files To An E-Mail From Database Image Column In .NET

Spring ORM with C3P0 or DBCP is leaking connections

java mysql database spring c3p0

c# Insert boolean value into database

c# database sqlite

SQL: how would you save users' own data?

How do I update a table to add a primary key and update all of the existing rows with incremented IDs?

Find and replace particular string in a column

What is the best way to store one-to-many or many-to-many relationships in PostgreSQL?

Mysql full text search cannot find a word - why?

SQL Error: ORA-00922: missing or invalid option