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New posts in database-design

How to model different users in Rails

Emulate MyISAM's composite primary key with an autoincrement behavior in InnoDB

Creating a relationship between three tables

SQL Theory Multiple References

Database schema design for large number of columns

oracle database-design

Foreign keys depend on the column content - how to ensure integrity?

MySQL database with products, products categories and different attributes

Designing a high performing hotel room booking system

Do DynamoDB Queries of composite Sort Key's made of two ISO 8061 dates return correct results (with BETWEEN)?

Microsoft cubes usage boundaries and best practicies

How to turn a single-site app into a mantainable multi-site app without code changes?

Database design?

database database-design

How to create "two-side" many-to-many relationships in Rails?

Table with a lot of attributes

How do you merge tags on an already existing system

What is the best design for these data base tables? [closed]

sql database-design

Business Reporting on an OLTP Application

Django and architecture : how to share a "referencial" database between projects?

implementing Posts, comments, and likes in DB

How to design a movie database?