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New posts in database-administration

Where can I find usage statistics in Redshift?

SQL Server - Table Metadata

Monitor unused indexes in MySQL

sufficient page size does not exist - DB2 insert

What is the meaning/use of "Owned Schemas"?

MongoDB connecting over SSL: What am I doing wrong?

How to identify all global temporary tables

In MYSQL, what does it mean when there are duplicate indices where everything but key_name is the same?

How to change database from Single user mode to multi user

ORA-12528: TNS Listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections. Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN

Why only one clustered index per table should be created in sql server?

How to list all prepared statements for all active sessions?

Easiest way to copy/duplicate a RethinkDB database?

Disable users of a database not Logins in SQL server 2008

Postgres 9 super slow simple delete

Getting total number of key-value pairs in RocksDB

No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019

How to lock all tables in one mysql db?

How to install mysqlbackup?

mysql_install_db giving error