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How to lock all tables in one mysql db?

I write a backup shell script to execute mysqldump.

mysqldump -u$BACKUP_USER -p$BACKUP_PASS --flush-logs --lock-tables $DB_NAME > $SQL_FILE

My db's storage ENGINE is MyISAM. So I can't use --single-transaction option. The --lock-tables only lock one table in mysqldump progress. There are many databases in my MySQL instance, I don't want to use --lock-all-tables, it will lock all databases run in my server. So, How to lock all tables in ONE mysql database at sametime so I can dump it?

like image 678
KeepZero Avatar asked Dec 27 '12 06:12


People also ask

How do I lock a table in MySQL?

LOCK TABLES works as follows: Sort all tables to be locked in an internally defined order (from the user standpoint the order is undefined). If a table is locked with a read and a write lock, put the write lock before the read lock. Lock one table at a time until the thread gets all locks.

Does SELECT lock table MySQL?

MySQL uses table locking (instead of row locking or column locking) on all table types, except InnoDB and BDB tables, to achieve a very high lock speed.

How do I lock a SQL database?

Locks are held on SQL Server resources, such as rows read or modified during a transaction, to prevent concurrent use of resources by different transactions. For example, if an exclusive (X) lock is held on a row within a table by a transaction, no other transaction can modify that row until the lock is released.

What is table locking in database?

The LOCK TABLE statement allows you to explicitly acquire a shared or exclusive table lock on the specified table. The table lock lasts until the end of the current transaction. To lock a table, you must either be the database owner or the table owner.

2 Answers

Here's how I did it. It should work in all cases since it uses FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK.



# Lock the database and sleep in background task
mysql -uroot -proot $DB -e "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; DO SLEEP(3600);" &
sleep 3

# Export the database while it is locked
mysqldump -uroot -proot --opt $DB > $DUMP_FILE

# When finished, kill the previous background task to unlock
kill $! 2>/dev/null
wait $! 2>/dev/null

echo "Finished export, and unlocked !"

The shell sleep command is just to make sure that the background task running the mysql locking command is executed before the mysqldump starts. You could reduce it to 1 second and it should still be fine. Increase it to 30 seconds and try inserting a values in any table from another client during those 30 seconds you'll see it's locked.

There are 2 advantages in using this manual background locking, instead of using the mysqldump options --single-transaction and --lock-tables:

  1. This locks everything, if you have mixed MyISAM/InnoDB tables.
  2. You can do run other commands in addition to the mysqldump during the same locking period. It's useful, for instance, when setting up replication on a master node, because you need to get the binary log position with SHOW MASTER STATUS; at the exact state of the dump you created (before unlocking the database), to be able to create a replication slave.
like image 113
Nicomak Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09


Not the prettiest solution by far, but this works. I had the same need and here's my solution, slightly modified to match your variable names. I'm assuming you're running MySQL on Linux, as this relies pretty heavily on shell BASH semantics. If you're on Windows, this probably won't work.

# Mysql script to lock all tables in one DB
# (such as to get a consistent export dump of one database)


function lock_db {
  [ -e "/tmp/mysql-db-lock-${1}" ] && rm "/tmp/mysql-db-lock-${1}"
  mkfifo "/tmp/mysql-db-lock-${1}"
             , GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('\`',table_name,'\`'),' WRITE')
             , ';'
             ) AS \"-- Statement to lock tables\"
      FROM information_schema.tables
      WHERE table_schema='${1}'
      ORDER BY table_name;
      " | $MYSQLCMD
      echo "\! cat '/tmp/mysql-db-lock-${1}' >/dev/null"
      echo 'UNLOCK TABLES;'
    ) | $MYSQLCMD -D"${1}"
    rm "/tmp/mysql-db-lock-${1}"
  ) &

function unlock_db {

# Lock one database, all tables
lock_db $DB_NAME

# Verify locks have been placed

# Do whatever here that you needed the locked db for

# Release locks
unlock_db $DB_NAME

# Verify locks released
like image 39
Joshua Huber Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09

Joshua Huber