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python inserting and retrieving binary data into mysql

I'm using the MySQLdb package for interacting with MySQL. I'm having trouble getting the proper type conversions.

I am using a 16-byte binary uuid as a primary key for the table and have a mediumblob holding zlib compressed json information.

I'm using the following schema:

CREATE TABLE repositories (
    added_id int auto_increment not null,
    id binary(16) not null,
    data mediumblob not null,
    create_date int not null,
    update_date int not null,
    PRIMARY KEY (added_id),
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE=InnoDB;

Then I create a new row in the table using the following code:

data = zlib.compress(json.dumps({'hello':'how are you :D'})
row_id = uuid.uuid(4).hex
added_id = cursor.execute('
    INSERT INTO repositories (id, data, create_date, update_date) 
    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)',

Then to retrieve data I use a similar query:

query = cursor.execute('SELECT added_id, id, data, create_date, update_date ' \
    'FROM repositories WHERE id = %s',

Then the query returns an empty result.

Any help would be appreciated. Also, as an aside, is it better to store unix epoch dates as integers or TIMESTAMP?

NOTE: I am not having problems inserting the data, just trying to retrieve it from the database. The row exists when I check via mysqlclient.

Thanks Alot!@

like image 619
Ian Livingstone Avatar asked Mar 09 '11 03:03

Ian Livingstone

People also ask

How can add data directly in MySQL?

Simple INSERT statement to add data to the table. Use INSERT Statement to add multiple rows in the table. INSERT INTO SELECT clause to insert the output generated by the SELECT query. INSERT IGNORE clause to ignore the error generated during the execution of the query.

What is binary data type in MySQL?

The BINARY attribute is a nonstandard MySQL extension that is shorthand for specifying the binary ( _bin ) collation of the column character set (or of the table default character set if no column character set is specified). In this case, comparison and sorting are based on numeric character code values.

2 Answers

One tip: you should be able to call uuid.uuid4().bytes to get the raw bytes. As for timestamps, if you want to perform time/date manipulation in SQL it's often easier to deal with real TIMESTAMP types.

I created a test table to try to reproduce what you're seeing:

    id BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (added_id),
    UNIQUE (id)
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE=InnoDB;

My script is able to insert and query for the rows using the binary field as a key without problem. Perhaps you are incorrectly fetching / iterating over the results returned by the cursor?

import binascii
import MySQLdb
import uuid

conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost')

key = uuid.uuid4()
print 'inserting', repr(key.bytes)
r = conn.cursor()
r.execute('INSERT INTO xyz (id) VALUES (%s)', key.bytes)

print 'selecting', repr(key.bytes)
r.execute('SELECT added_id, id FROM xyz WHERE id = %s', key.bytes)
for row in r.fetchall():
    print row[0], binascii.b2a_hex(row[1])


% python qu.py    
inserting '\x96\xc5\xa4\xc3Z+L\xf0\x86\x1e\x05\xebt\xf7\\\xd5'
selecting '\x96\xc5\xa4\xc3Z+L\xf0\x86\x1e\x05\xebt\xf7\\\xd5'
1 96c5a4c35a2b4cf0861e05eb74f75cd5
% python qu.py
inserting '\xac\xc9,jn\xb2O@\xbb\xa27h\xcd<B\xda'
selecting '\xac\xc9,jn\xb2O@\xbb\xa27h\xcd<B\xda'
2 acc92c6a6eb24f40bba23768cd3c42da
like image 124
samplebias Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09


To supplement existing answers, there's also an issue with the following warning when dealing with binary strings in queries:

Warning: (1300, "Invalid utf8 character string: 'ABCDEF'") 

It is reproduced by the following:

    CREATE TABLE `table`(
        bin_field` BINARY(16) NOT NULL

bin_value = uuid.uuid4().bytes
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO `table`(bin_field) VALUES(%s)', (bin_value,))

Whenever MySQL sees that a string literal in a query isn't valid against current character_set_connection it will emit the warning. There are several solutions to it:

  1. Explicitly set _binary charset literal

     INSERT INTO `table`(bin_field) VALUES(_binary %s)
  2. Manually construct queries with hexadecimal literals

     INSERT INTO `table`(bin_field) VALUES(x'abcdef')
  3. Change connection charset if you're only working with binary strings

For more details see MySQL Bug 79317.


As @charlax pointed out, there's binary_prefix flag which can be passed to the connection's initialiser to automatically prepend _binary prefix when interpolating arguments. It's supported by recent versions of both, mysql-client and pymysql.

like image 28
saaj Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09
