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New posts in data.table

Weighted means for several columns, by groups (in a data.table)

r data.table

Using data.table::setnames() when some column names might not be present

r data.table

data.table and pmin with na.rm=TRUE argument

r data.table

Select last row by group for all columns data.table

r data.table

Can I use variables newly created in `j` in the same `j` argument?

r data.table

data.table `:=` assignment expressions with dynamic inputs (existing columns) and outputs (new column names)

r data.table

Conditional binary join and update by reference using the data.table package

r join data.table

How to impute values in a data.table by groups?

r data.table

Select nth observation and sum by group using data.table

r data.table

data.table avoid recycling

r data.table recycle

Create a new column based on column that does not yet exist

r data.table

Fast melted data.table operations

efficient use of R data.table and unique()

r data.table

Frequency table including zeros for unused values, on a data.table

Simultaneous order, row-filter and column-select with data.table

r data.table

R data.table join: SQL "select *" alike syntax in joined tables?

r join data.table

Find variable combinations that makes Primary Key in R

r data.table tidyverse

data.table alternative to piping

r ggplot2 data.table

Treat NA as zero only when adding a number

r data.table na

Direct update (replace) of sparse data frame is slow and inefficient

r data.table dplyr