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New posts in curve-fitting

R smooth.spline(): smoothing spline is not smooth but overfitting my data

Polynomial fit matlab with some constraints on the coefficients

matlab curve-fitting

Fitting partial Gaussian

Sinusoidal fitting classes for c#

c# curve-fitting

Using OpenCV fitEllipse() for circle fitting

opencv curve-fitting

Segmented regression with quadratic polynomial and a strightline

r regression curve-fitting

scipy.curve_fit vs. numpy.polyfit different covariance matrices

Exponential based Curve-Fit using Math.Net

Python - R square and absolute sum of squares obtainable by scipy.optimize curve_fit?

python scipy curve-fitting

Linear curve fitting with errors

javascript curve-fitting

Curve fitting in R using nls

r curve-fitting nls

scipy.optimize.curve_fit, TypeError: unsupported operand type

Difference between curve_fit and leastsq in python from scipy.optimize

python scipy curve-fitting

Fitting a quadratic function in python without numpy polyfit

Is there a way to plot a curve of best fit without function? Python

OpenCV: fit the detected edges

Curve fitting: Find the smoothest function that satisfies a list of constraints