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New posts in css-transforms

skew() function in depth

html css css-transforms skew

Understanding why pure CSS parallax effect works with div, but not body tag?

Anti-aliasing on rotated div with border image in firefox

Adjusting parent element of css-transformed image to fit. (Twitter Bootstrap)

Overflow hidden breaking translateZ

css overflow css-transforms

Why does setting overflow:hidden; break the backface-visibility declaration?

css overflow css-transforms

Add a transform value without erasing inherit [duplicate]

css css-transforms

Three.js cube face rotation vector in relation to camera

Reverse slider when swiped down

Why does perspective on transformed elements appear backwards?

html css css-transforms

Fixed position background image in Firefox doesn't work with transformed element. Is this a FF bug?

Background center with transform 3D and filter blur on Firefox

Blurry text on Chrome when using CSS -webkit-transform

Why is the spinner not spinning/rotating?

Set writing mode / text direction bottom to top

Glitches when using css gradient mask image with 3d transforms

css webkit css-transforms

How to prevent repaint of other elements when using CSS transition

CSS3 3D bend perspective

Why does the overflow property break CSS3 3D transforms?

translate3d between 0% and negative % in IE10