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New posts in css-animations

Still rotate on item unhover html

html css css-animations

CSS - animations for a carousel of multiple items

Firefox resets animation on hover

Sliding CSS Animation not flipping in correct area

CSS random animation

How keep the image rotated during the reverse movement?

setTimeout, jQuery operation, transitionend executed/fired randomly

React scroll animation with setState is choppy

Why does my transform animation override my original transform?

css3 :hover wont work after animation

css hover css-animations

Is there a standard way to provide alt="" text for screen-readers on HTML5 ads / animations?

Css animation displaying 3 images at a time

css css-animations

Div Expand to Full Screen Smoothly on Click

Grid of 3d boxes (only two faces)

CSS transition to smooth transition of elements after another element is hidden.

CSS 3 fake 3D cube rotation between 2 boxes

html css css-animations

Reverse Keyframe animation with Javascript

Why doesn't my keyframe animation for link color work in Chrome?

Extend the final state of the first animation for translated element

Css transition is not working in reverse direction