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New posts in crystal-lang

How to execute a shell script in Crystal while capturing output?

linux bash shell crystal-lang

Is it possible to create Crystal binds for Ruby?

ruby crystal-lang

How to check if a constant is defined in Crystal

Timers/Intervals in Crystal Lang


Recursive Proc in Crystal


Is there a way to see what a Crystal macro expands to?

macros crystal-lang

When to use a class vs. module extending self in Crystal?

class module crystal-lang

How to specify the data types for JSON parsing?


Crystal C binding, simple hello world example.

Crystal convert the idea behind Thread pool to Fibers/spawn

Why BigFloat.to_s is not precise enough?

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How do I create a class instance from a string name in Crystal?


Declare type of instance variable on controller

How can I convert a String to an Integer or Float in Crystal?

Read a single char from stdin without pressing enter


How can I produce a Crystal executable with no dependencies?

ld: library not found for -lssl

macos crystal-lang

How do I install crystal-lang on rapsberry pi?

Is there an equivalent to Pry for Crystal?


Anybody tried the Crystal Programming Language (machine-code compiled Ruby)? [closed]

ruby crystal-lang