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Timers/Intervals in Crystal Lang



Is there a timer or interval function in Crystal?

I checked the docs for a timer, interval, and under the Time class, but did not see anything.

Something like setInterval() or setTimeout() from JavaScript?

like image 926
dkimot Avatar asked Mar 19 '18 09:03


1 Answers

For timeout there's delay. Please be aware that the API for this isn't finalized and might get changed in a future release or even temporarily removed again.

For interval there's currently nothing that guarantees exact timings, but if that's no concern and an approximate interval is enough it's as simple to do as

spawn do
  loop do
    sleep INTERVAL

sleep # Or some other workload, when the main fiber quits so will the program and thus all other fibers.
like image 60
Jonne Haß Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10

Jonne Haß