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New posts in crystal-lang

Get __FILE__ of compiled script

file crystal-lang

Parse Array of JSON Objects in Crystal lang

arrays json crystal-lang

Has Crystal got static methods?

Crystal get from n line to n line from a file


Getting info about inheritance chain in Crystal

How to restrict type of a function argument

How to generate a random number in Crystal?

random crystal-lang

Crystal lang how to get binary file from http

http binary crystal-lang

How to get the name of the arguments passed into a block?


How to execute code from a string variable in Crystal?

eval crystal-lang

Binding glib into Crystal lang (GC issue)

What is the proper way to check if an Iterator is complete?


Convert hex string to int in Crystal


Shorthand block syntax in Crystal


Increase maximum virtual memory size above 256gb

linux crystal-lang

Crystal debugging with GDB

debugging gdb crystal-lang

Crystal lang : How to indicate require path for crystal compiler


Crystal-lang: why is the LLVM "hello.bc" not the same if generated by Crystal or by clang?

llvm-ir crystal-lang

Get filepath of importing file at compile time


Can a Crystal library be statically linked to from C?
