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how to get misclassification rate in each fold of cross validation?

matlab cross-validation

Scikit-learn: scoring in GridSearchCV

f1 score of all classes from scikits cross_val_score

K-Fold Cross Validation for Naive Bayes Classifier

sklearn random forest: .oob_score_ too low?

Why does sklearn.grid_search.GridSearchCV return random results on every execution?

Getting the best parameters using sklearn nested cross-validation

Using cross_validation.cross_val_score with metrics.precision_recall_fscore_support

Different ways of implementing cross-validation for SVM model in MATLAB

Incorporating cross validation in stepwise regression in R

sklearn random state not random

Log Loss function in pyspark

Selecting a Specific Number of Features via Sklearn's RFECV (Recursive Feature Elimination with Cross-validation)

Nested cross-validation: How does cross_validate handle GridSearchCV as its input estimator?

Cross-validation in LightGBM