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New posts in cross-validation

Target transformation and feature selection in scikit-learn

ValueError: continuous-multioutput is not supported

Why does calling the KFold generator with shuffle give the same indices?

How to use the early_stopping_rounds parameter in XGBooost

Building ML classifier with imbalanced data

What does RepeatedKFold actually mean?

feature selection and cross validation

Using neuralnet with caret train and adjusting the parameters

Summary statistics in glmnet

Why is cross_val_predict so much slower than fit for KNeighborsClassifier?

Get standard deviation for a GridSearchCV

Computing training score using cross_val_score

How to custom a model in CARET to perform PLS-[Classifer] two-step classificaton model?

Model help using Scikit-learn when using GridSearch

Trying to Understand FB Prophet Cross Validation

Does sklearn LogisticRegressionCV use all data for final model

How to Cross Validate Properly

Python - LightGBM with GridSearchCV, is running forever

Using sklearn cross_val_score and kfolds to fit and help predict model