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New posts in create-react-app

kebab-case to camelCase via localsConvention in css-loader 3.4.2 not working

Using included script in index.html in React components

What is the location of .babelrc file when using create-react-app?

How to import svg into antd -> Icon component

svg create-react-app antd

How can i fix @fontface issue in my react application?

Error: No version of chokidar is available. Tried chokidar@2 and chokidar@3. after upgrading npm to 7.*.*

Error using Create-react-app with googleapis

create-react-app error - Cannot find module 'fs-extra'

create-react-app fs-extra

Absolute path not working in create-react-app

Is there a way to have `react-scripts` include extra files in the root of the build?

React: create-react-app fails with error "Cannot find module 'lodash'"

Using require('...') to dynamically import images in react js not working anymore

Create-react-app failing with error: node incompatible with css-loader

MobX 'this' is undefined in setter action

How to debug react-scripts hanging?

installed create-react-app without -g

React app is not working in IE 11 browser

How to "mock" navigator.geolocation in a React Jest Test

I'm getting error like this while creating react app

getting 404 for links with create-react-app deployed to github pages