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New posts in react-scripts

React scripts start is giving Unexpected token error

reactjs react-scripts

How to unit test reduxsauce?

Only the first error is shown when CRA project is built

Load different JS library files for different components

Is there a way to have `react-scripts` include extra files in the root of the build?

Is there a way to let webpack dev server use another port?

Javascript code gets "Attempted import error:" in react-scripts build when importing from Typescript file

Typescript does not error on compilation with create react app

How to prevent inheriting packages from parent node_modules

Loading multiple react apps on the same page, override webpack output jsonpFunction in react-scripts

How can I make `react-scripts build` quiet?


How to run Jest coverage for one component file

React homepage attribute not working

Cannot use JSX unless the '--jsx' flag is provided when "jsx" is "react-jsx"

BrowserslistError: Unknown browser kaios