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New posts in create-react-app

Where to call Sentry.configureScope?

Typescript parsing error when EXTEND_ESLINT=true in create-react-app

How to use Webpack Module Federation plugin with create-react-app without ejecting

How to prevent loading vendors multiple times with code splitting

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Setting base href using Environment variables

Create-react-app server not recompiling when data changes inside docker container

Create React App cannot find declared module

React js - problem with proxy for web socket link in react

CSS linking in create-react-app

Interval inside React useEffect - store it in a useRef Hook to preserve value overtime warning

create-react-app typescript for server-side-rending

How to isolate tests in React Testing Library?

Keep getting error while creating react app

reactjs create-react-app

create-react-app running on Smart TV browser

Is it possible to use decorators with create-react-app?

npx create-react-app not working "Must use import to load ES Module:" [closed]

React 16 Error Boundary component (using componentDidCatch) shows uncaught error

Create React App cannot find tests

Generate RTL CSS file in create-react-app and switch between them based on change in state

Fetch api data with create-react-app