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New posts in create-react-app

ReactJS: How to prevent browser from caching static files?

Create React App jsx-a11y/accessible-emoji warning won't go away

emoji create-react-app

Using one webpack project inside another with react hooks causes an error

Create React app with React-Snapshot Pre-Rendering static files

Why does create-react-app now use a function component for App?

How to avoid very long paths and use absolute paths within a Create React App project?

How to use Create React App using Yarn 2?

Error: "createRequire is not a function Referenced from: BaseConfig"

Adding a package immediately after created by create-react-app is not working

How to convert create-react-app to Preact?

How To Add My Own Svg Image Just Like Logo Is Shown By Default In Create-React-App

reactjs create-react-app

PropType not giving warning

docker-compose stops immediately after starting react app created using create-react-app

Jest doesn't run -- hangs indefinitely

how to increase waiting timeout from 30000 ms to 60000 ms of npm installing time in ubuntu

how to add type declaration to react-typescript project with CRA

I want to add a babel plugin inside create-react-app

'ReactComponent' is not exported from svg

Jest with Create React App: Test suite failed to run - Unexpected token