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New posts in react-16

PureComponent decorated by mobx-react throws error about `shouldComponentUpdate` presence

React 16.3.* context Provider Err: Expected string or class/func but got: Object

SSR: dynamic import in react app how to deal with html miss match when component is loading on the client

Where to call Sentry.configureScope?

React 16.4 enables getDerivedStateFromProps to be called from state change. How to cope with that?

javascript reactjs react-16

React: reading data passed as parameter in history.push

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'injection' of undefined [closed]

React preloading components with Lazy + Suspense

getDerivedStateFromProps is not called

reactjs next.js react-16

React Router with React 16.6 Suspense "Invalid prop `component` of type `object` supplied to `Route`, expected `function`."

Fragments giving Unexpected token error in React 16.2

reactjs react-16

Warning: Received `false` for a non-boolean attribute. How do I pass a boolean for a custom boolean attribute?