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New posts in coordinate-transformation

how to scale the element by keeping the fixed position in svg

Rearrange data in two-dimensional array according to transformation from polar to Cartesian coordinates

Python pyproj convert ecef to lla

Converting pandas data frame with degree minute second (DMS) coordinates to decimal degrees

Python - Batch convert GPS positions to Lat Lon decimals

How do I compute the linear index of a 3D coordinate and vice versa?

How to calculate a specific distance inside of a picture?

Python coordinate transformation ECI to ECEF

Is it possible to anchor a matplotlib annotation to a data coordinate in the x-axis, but to a relative location in the y-axis?

Custom y-axis scale and secondary y-axis labels in ggplot2 3.1.0

How to project a point on to a sphere

What is the android equivalent of UIView's convertRect / convertPoint functions?

CSS3 zooming on mouse cursor

Reference coordinate system changes between OpenCV, OpenGL and Android Sensor

Mac OS X: Convert between NSView coordinates and global screen coordinates

Determining UTM zone (to convert) from longitude/latitude

Acceleration from device's coordinate system into absolute coordinate system

How to calculate SVG transform matrix from rotate/translate/scale values?

Converting longitude/latitude to X/Y coordinate

How to make stroke width immune to the current transformation matrix