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New posts in continue

Please explain the usage of Labeled Statements

PHP continue inside function

php function continue

Java continue at the end of if

java if-statement continue

Why can't I use 'continue' inside a switch statement in Java?

Why it is a bad practice to use break/continue labels in OOP (e.g. Java, C#)? [closed]

c# java oop break continue

``continue`` breaks label placement

Why is this labeled javaScript continue not working?

Why is 'continue' statement ignoring the loop counter increment in 'while' loop, but not in 'for' loop?

How to return a specific point after an error in 'while' loop

Python - Way to restart a for loop, similar to "continue" for while loops? [duplicate]

python loops for-loop continue

php - Nested Loop, Break Inner Loops and Continue The Main Loop

php loops nested break continue

c++ continue versus break

c++ break continue

Using continue in a do-while loop

Using `continue` keywoard in a switch nest inside a foreach loop [closed]

break and continue in function

Java Continue Label is Deprecated?

java deprecated continue

syntaxError: 'continue' not properly in loop

Python: Using continue in a try-finally statement in a loop

python continue try-finally

Break for loop from inside of switch case in Javascript

Is it possible to use 'yield' to generate 'Iterator' instead of a list in Scala?