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New posts in contains

String contains any items in an array (case insensitive)

php string arrays contains

VB.NET - If string contains "value1" or "value2"

Using contains() in LINQ to SQL

Is there a regex to match a string that contains A but does not contain B

regex contains inverse

IF a cell contains a string

excel if-statement contains

how to check if a property value exists in array of objects in swift

swift properties contains

Opposite of .contains (does not contain)

java contains

Check if a string exists in an array case insensitively

swift contains

R - test if first occurrence of string1 is followed by string2

r contains

Use string.Contains() with switch()

Check if element is in the list (contains)

c++ contains

Contains of HashSet<Integer> in Python

python contains hashset

Add items to a collection if the collection does NOT already contain it by comparing a property of the items?

c# linq collections contains

What does Collection.Contains() use to check for existing objects?

c# collections contains

C++ implicit copy constructor for a class that contains other objects

What is the linq equivalent to the SQL IN operator

sql linq contains

Pandas: Check if row exists with certain values

python pandas contains

Check if an ArrayList contains every element from another ArrayList (or Collection)

Check if a variable is in an ad-hoc list of values

c# variables contains

What is the idiomatic scala way of finding, if a given string contains a given substring?