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New posts in concurrency

Parallelism on divide & conquer algorithm

Executors use and cost penalty

java concurrency

Some clarifications on different Isolation level in database transaction?

Database-safe Concurrency in ROR

How to stop a win32 thread that is blocking?

Why does my concurrent Haskell program terminate prematurely?

How to implement Chubby-style lock sequencers with ZooKeeper?

Java - concurrency/blocking queue unit testing strategies

java testing concurrency

How is my single-threaded Rails app handling concurrent requests?

what would be the parallel java "actor" code to replace standard synchronization with threads code

Scala pattern matching in a concurrent program

After an object is constructed, is a memory fence established with other threads?

Easy parallel evaluation of tuples in scala?

Object deep locking in multithreading environment

TPL Dataflow, alternative to JoinBlock limitations?

Java producer-consumer with stopping condition

Concurrent write to different buckets in unordered_map (C++)?

Nested Java 8 parallel forEach loop perform poor. Is this behavior expected?

Java: A synchronized method in the superclass acquires the same lock as one in the subclass, right?

java concurrency

JEE6 @ApplicationScoped bean and concurrency