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New posts in computer-science

Can this breadth-first search be made faster?

What is the main difference between CRCW and EREW in PRAM model?

Analyzing algorithms for time complexity

What is Tuple? And tuple vs. List vs. Vector?

What is regularity?

What's the difference between a boolean literal and a boolean value?

How do you define an anonymous function in lambda calculus terms (or how can I say some language supports anonymous functions)?

Fast way to find a intersection between two sets of numbers, one defined by a bitwise condition and another by an arithmetic condition

E_ACCESSDENIED when creating a host-only interface on virtualbox via vagrant [closed]

What is the difference between "hill climbing" and "branch-and-bound" search algorithms?

Closures and Context Free Grammars

Proving that P <= NP


"Introduction to Computer Science and Programming" for a beginner [closed]


What would you call the time complexity of an algorithm of this sort?

Hashes: Tables, Lists and Maps, Oh My?

What class of language can Perl regular expressions be used against?

Data structure for quick match in a card game

Partition Problems Brute Force Algorithm

How does an X-bit computer work with 2X-bit numbers?
